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Bike rental and sports shop in Oberwiesenthal

Consultancy with expertise

Whether e-bike or skis. Our hire equipment is always in top condition. Regular maintenance and safety checks according to the latest standards guarantee safe leisure fun and sporting enjoyment

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Hiking and winter specialist


Von Kopf bis Fuß perfekt ausgerüstet. Wanderschuhe, Hüte und Mützen, Rücksäcke, Jacken und Hosen für jedes Wetter. Helme und Brillen zum Biken und für die Skipiste. Ski, Snowbord, Langlaufausrüstung, Schneeschuhe und Rodel, im Sommer E-Bikes und Wanderstöcke. Wir haben die passende Ausrüstung

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Schindelhauer premium dealer

Schindelhauer Premiumhändler Oberwiesenthal

Buy Schindelhauer Premium bikes on site in Oberwiesenthal. Come by, take a test ride and pick up your new dream bike right away.

Whether leasing or financing, thanks to our strong partners we offer you various ways to get your new bike.

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Shop online with us

You can now shop the usual Starthaus quality anytime and anywhere. Here you can find our Webshop.